Get Rid of Ladybugs (10 Simple Methods)
Ladybugs are an appealing sight to behold – colorful, kids love them, and they are beneficial to gardeners the world over as they prey on much less attractive garden pests.
Seeing a ladybug outdoors might make your day a little better, but spotting one inside your home tends to have the opposite effect. In the worst-case scenario, one odd ladybug turns into an infestation, and the once pleasant creatures turn into a nightmare.

The Quick Answer
How do you get rid of ladybugs in the home?
In short:
You can get rid of ladybugs using repellents – both natural and chemical – soapy water and light traps, regular cleaning to remove ladybugs and their pheromone, and setting up barriers to prevent entry into your home.
The best way to get rid of ladybugs for you depends on the degree of infestation.

1. Sweep or Vacuum and Disinfectant
The first and easiest step in getting ladybugs out of the house is sweeping and vacuuming where you find them. But it is effective only for a few crawling ladybugs rather than an infestation.
You can kill the ladybugs before emptying the dustpan or vacuum bag or choose to release them away from your home. Releasing the bugs right outside the house would probably only see them find their way back in if the existing entry points are not closed or sealed.
Whenever disposing live ladybugs into a trash bag, tie it tightly before disposal.
Be sure to also disinfect or wash the affected area with soap to remove leftover pheromones.
2. Soapy Water Trap or Spray
You can save energy by setting a basic trap that does the job without actively seeking them out.
Place a bowl of water mixed with some liquid soap near a light source. This method is useful after sealing all entry points and switching off all lights at night, leaving only one on as the attractant.
The soap in the water breaks the surface tension and causes the ladybugs to sink.
Filling the same soapy water into a spray bottle gives you a mobile home remedy that you can use at multiple problem areas for a quicker result.
3. Light Trap
Ladybugs are attracted to light – the apparent weakness you can exploit to their detriment.
You can buy a light trap from the link below or your local department store or garden center. Alternatively, make one yourself using an empty plastic bottle and an LED light.
It is one of the best non-lethal and chemical-free methods for getting a large number of ladybugs out of your house.
4. Natural Repellents
Most insects, including ladybugs, loathe the scent of citronella or citric-based ingredients you often find in a kitchen. They include bay leaves, cloves, lemons, and oranges.
If you are looking for the best natural way to get rid of ladybugs, including the notorious Asian ladybugs, adding a few drops of citronella oil into a spray bottle with water and spritzing your home is hard to beat.
5. Diatomaceous Earth
This benign-looking white powder is far more effective than it looks. The 80% to 90% silica content of diatomaceous earth is the magic that gives it the lethal dehydrating power to repel various insects.
Sprinkle the powder in places where the ladybug colony frequents and along the entrance points.
Suppose you are looking at how to deal with a ladybug infestation inside your home. In that case, you can sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the external perimeter of your house to prevent ladybugs from getting indoors.
This external defense allows you to rid the infestation indoors effectively while stopping more ladybugs from getting inside. Diatomaceous earth is children and pet safe.
You can apply the same approach for ladybugs infestation within your garden.
6. Duct Tape Picker
Duct tape fixes everything, barring no exception to ladybugs.
Wrap the tape around your finger or a stick with the sticky side out for hard-to-reach spots. It is a cheap but useful extraction tool to catch the odd ladybug in your house without getting bitten.
Leave some duct tape strips hanging in the garden for a simple home remedy to catch and rid your garden of ladybugs.
7. Aerosol Insecticides
When natural or non-lethal methods fail to do the job, few solutions are more efficient than a can of commercial chemical insecticide.
An aerosol insecticide designed to kill on contact makes quick work of killing a ladybug colony directly.
Its effectiveness is indisputable, but you should always adhere to the safety guidelines on the can and avoid inhaling the fumes. Wear a mask and safety glasses for better protection when spraying in enclosed small rooms.
8. An Exterminator
If your ladybug infestation persists, contact an exterminator. Let the professional take care of the problem and avoid continued stress for you and your family.
Ladybugs can hide within walls and small spaces that are difficult to reach, and self-administered solutions may not be thorough and sufficient.
9. Window Screens
Installing screens is an ideal long-term solution to prevent ladybugs and other pests from entering your home.
It is money worth spending if you have had multiple ladybug infestations in your home and you want to get rid of the problem once and for all.
Screens installation for all doors and windows is necessary for prevention to work. The next step is equally crucial for a comprehensive line of defense against ladybugs entering your home.
10. Seal Exterior Cracks & Apply Weather Strips
Thoroughly check for cracks and gaps on the exterior walls, siding, roof, and door and window frames. Use the appropriate type of caulk to seal the cracks and crevices.
Additionally, apply weather stripping to gaps along window frames and under the door from inside your house. It also provides the added benefit of keeping the cold out and your electricity bill down.
How Do You Get Rid of Ladybugs in Your Room?
The idea of sharing your sleeping space with ladybugs that crawl and bite is enough to make you spring into action. But the steps you take should not harm your health or interrupt sleep quality.
Take these steps to get rid of ladybugs in your room:
- Make a natural repellent solution using citronella or citric-based oils and spray it directly on the ladybugs,
- Set up a soapy water or light trap to catch them while you sleep, and
- Install window screens so you can ventilate your room to keep humidity low while preventing ladybugs from entering, and a weather strip under the door to effectively seal your room.
The 3 Best Products for Killing or Repelling Ladybugs
These products are suitable if you want solutions that save you time.
Best Ladybug Killer:
#1 Harris Asian Lady Beetle Killer
If you can’t bother with a DIY ladybug solution, this one-gallon insecticide gives you plenty of what you need to get the job done at an affordable price.
The liquid formula is odorless and non-staining, so you don’t have to worry about liberal applications making your home hard to live in. it continues to kill for over a week after drying, so a little goes a long way.
You may want to buy a separate spray bottle in case the sprayer that comes with the product fails.
What you get with this liquid ladybug killer:
- Very effective at killing ladybugs.
- Provides a long-lasting effect, which means less frequent applications.
- Odorless and non-staining – suitable for spraying on and around windows, doorways, and the porch.
- Straight-forward to use.
- Great value for money.
- Perfect for a direct approach to a ladybug infestation.
Best Ladybug Repellent:
#2 Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
Prevention is better than cure; these small-sized devices effectively repel ladybugs and other insects within your home.
Install the pack of 6 ultrasonic repellers strategically around your home, preferably one in each room for maximum efficiency. Ensure that you plug the devices into the wall outlets at least 1 foot from the floor, and allow them up to a week before seeing results.
For repelling ladybug infestation at the onset of winter and spring, install these ultrasonic repellers within the house and spray the Harris Liquid Killer (the afore-mentioned product) externally for a comprehensive approach to protecting your home.
What you get with this ladybug repeller:
- Dry and chemical-free – safe for the family and pets.
- Inaudible to humans and pet animals.
- Aesthetically-pleasing design.
- Affordably-priced at under $30 for six units.
Best Ladybug Light Trap:
#3 Gardner FlyWeb Classic Light Trap
While homemade bug traps can do the job, this meticulously engineered light trap works, so you save valuable time and effort making one.
The light trap works by drawing ladybugs and other insects, and the glue board located behind the light traps them. The glue trap is lethal yet non-toxic, so it kills pests without harming you or your family.
All you need to do is plug it into a wall outlet, switch it on, and go about your day.
You may need to purchase additional glue boards and a replacement bulb if you have a ladybug infestation that will likely take longer to get rid of.
Also, be careful when inserting or replacing the glue board so the glue does not get onto the bulb, which may reduce its lifespan.
What you get with this light trap:
- Non-toxic.
- Lethal and effective without the unsightly mess.
- Hassle-free installation.
- A beautiful design that fits modern home décor.
- Affordably priced under $50
What Season Do Ladybugs Come out?
Ladybugs hibernate and multiply through the winter months. Their reproduction goes through a four-stage life cycle of egg, larva, pupa, and adult – typical of most insects.
Ladybugs are most active during the peak growing season, from spring to early summer, when they prey on aphids and spread pollen from plant to plant – a metonym for spring’s arrival.
What Attracts Ladybugs Indoors?
When summer ends, ladybugs seek warm places to hibernate and lay their eggs in preparation for next spring. The warm and cozy interiors of your home make for an inviting target.
After gaining a foothold indoors, ladybugs release pheromones to the rest of the colony, which draws many more inside, so early detection and getting rid of them promptly are necessary.
What Damage Can Ladybugs Do?
The typical garden ladybugs are not destructive, control garden pests, and prefer to hibernate under a pile of leaves than in your home.
On the contrary, the Asian Lay Beetle feeds on houseplants and secrete a foul-smelling and poisonous liquid when threatened. They are harmful to your pet dog and cat. You can identify them through the dull orange hue body and a white “M” shaped spot on their head.
(see image below)

Can Ladybug Bites Make You Sick?
Ladybugs are mostly harmless, and their bites usually do not cause severe physical implications. However, the Asian Lady Beetles – ladybugs’ evil twin – can be particularly aggressive and bite by scraping on the skin. Seek medical attention should you experience swelling from an allergy to a ladybug bite.
What Scent Do Ladybugs Hate?
Some of the most pleasing scents you have in your kitchen are the vilest to ladybugs.
Cloves, lemons, citronella, bay leaves, and lavender make effective DIY ladybug repellents as they hate these scents. Alternatively, you can strategically place citronella or citrus-scented candles at ladybug entry points such as doors and windows to deter them.
What Kind of Animals or Insects Eat Ladybugs?
The majority of ladybug species are predatory – feeding on aphids, whiteflies, and mites – but this nature does not put them at the top of the food chain in their ecosystem.
The various ladybug species’ mostly-bright exteriors do not serve adequate defense as many predators prey on these colorful snacks. While some predators discovered ladybugs to their distaste, others have evolved to either be immune to their foul taste or not care.
Despite the defenses – bright, multicolored patterns and the release of a foul-smelling toxic fluid, hemolymph – these animals and insects prey upon ladybugs:
- Birds such as Swifts, Swallows, Magpies, Martins, Bluebirds, and Crows,
- Insects such as Dragonflies, Wasps, and Spiders,
- Frogs,
- Fire ants, and
- Other Ladybugs.
Overall, ladybugs are a beneficial species as they keep other smaller pests at bay, and there are few reasons to harm them.
But when they invade your home, it is a different story!